Agricultural Literature and Information Literacy
The Ag Literature Working Group (ALWG) focused on the types and use of agricultural research literature as well as the tools to identify this information. Initially focused on the impact of the use of Google Scholar by agricultural researchers and students, the working group expanded its scope to look at discovery and use of agricultural literature more broadly. The ALWG evaluated agricultural research literature databases and other types of agricultural information as tools for research and learning. Knowledge and best practices about agricultural information sources were shared to support collection development, information literacy instruction, evidence-based research and other services of libraries and information providers.
Ithaka S+R Ag Researchers Needs
The AgNIC Ithaka S+R Working Group (ISRWG) was formed to continue exploring big questions, issues, and concerns with the Ithaka S+R project. The ISRWG researched methodologies and lessons learned from other Ithaka S+R projects and presentations, as well as how different disciplines have applied their results.
Enhancing Agricultural Content in Wikipedia
The AgNIC Wikipedia Working Group (WWG) worked alongside the broader Wikipedia community to expand agricultural content, and improve the reliability of Wikipedia articles by adding authoritative citations and resources. The WWG explored projects with Wikimedia Commons, WikiData, and Wiki Education. The WWG promoted engagement with Wikipedia through workshops and training events, hosting edit-a-thons, and joining Wikipedia campaigns, like Women in Red.